1. gam::gam.data
    Simulated dataset for gam
  2. gam::gam.newdata
    Simulated dataset for gam
  3. gam::kyphosis
    A classic example dataset for GAMs
  4. glmnet::BinomialExample
    Synthetic dataset with binary response
  5. glmnet::CoxExample
    Synthetic dataset with right-censored survival response
  6. glmnet::MultiGaussianExample
    Synthetic dataset with multiple Gaussian responses
  7. glmnet::MultinomialExample
    Synthetic dataset with multinomial response
  8. glmnet::PoissonExample
    Synthetic dataset with count response
  9. glmnet::QuickStartExample
    Synthetic dataset with Gaussian response
  10. glmnet::SparseExample
    Synthetic dataset with sparse design matrix
  11. glmnet::beta_CVX
    Simulated data for the glmnet vignette
  12. ISLR::Auto
    Auto Data Set
  13. ISLR::Caravan
    The Insurance Company (TIC) Benchmark
  14. ISLR::Carseats
    Sales of Child Car Seats
  15. ISLR::College
    U.S. News and World Report's College Data
  16. ISLR::Credit
    Credit Card Balance Data
  17. ISLR::Default
    Credit Card Default Data
  18. ISLR::Hitters
    Baseball Data
  19. ISLR::Khan
    Khan Gene Data
  20. ISLR::NCI60
    NCI 60 Data
  21. ISLR::OJ
    Orange Juice Data
  22. ISLR::Portfolio
    Portfolio Data
  23. ISLR::Smarket
    S&P Stock Market Data
  24. ISLR::Wage
    Mid-Atlantic Wage Data
  25. ISLR::Weekly
    Weekly S&P Stock Market Data
  26. ISLR2::Auto
    Auto Data Set
  27. ISLR2::Bikeshare
    Bike sharing data
  28. ISLR2::Boston
    Boston Data
  29. ISLR2::BrainCancer
    Brain Cancer Data
  30. ISLR2::Caravan
    The Insurance Company (TIC) Benchmark
  31. ISLR2::Carseats
    Sales of Child Car Seats
  32. ISLR2::College
    U.S. News and World Report's College Data
  33. ISLR2::Credit
    Credit Card Balance Data
  34. ISLR2::Default
    Credit Card Default Data
  35. ISLR2::Fund
    Fund Manager Data
  36. ISLR2::Hitters
    Baseball Data
  37. ISLR2::Khan
    Khan Gene Data
  38. ISLR2::NCI60
    NCI 60 Data
  39. ISLR2::NYSE
    New York Stock Exchange Data
  40. ISLR2::OJ
    Orange Juice Data
  41. ISLR2::Portfolio
    Portfolio Data
  42. ISLR2::Publication
    Time-to-Publication Data
  43. ISLR2::Smarket
    S&P Stock Market Data
  44. ISLR2::Wage
    Mid-Atlantic Wage Data
  45. ISLR2::Weekly
    Weekly S&P Stock Market Data
  46. lars::diabetes
    Blood and other measurements in diabetics
    data.frame|442 x 3
  47. mda::ESL.mixture
    Mixture example from "Elements of Statistical Learning"
  48. mda::glass
    Glass Identification Database
  49. svmpath::balanced.overlap
    simple examples for svmpath
  50. svmpath::balanced.separated
    simple examples for svmpath
  51. svmpath::mixture.data
    simple examples for svmpath
  52. svmpath::unbalanced.separated
    simple examples for svmpath